Endless OS unavailable to open

After restarting windows 10 two options are showing

  1. Windows 10
  2. Endless OS

But after selecting Endless OS the flowing message are showing:

Endless OS is unavailable whilst Windows is Hibernated
Please select Windows and shut down or reboot to use Endless

This is a known issue on some machines, but we’re not sure what causes it, and none of the machines we have physical access to have this problem so it’s a bit hard to debug.

What model of PC do you have?

Can you check in the firmware configuration (normally accessed by pressing Del, F2, F12 or similar while the system is starting) to see whether there’s anything related to “fast boot” or similar?

Go to Start in the left down corner, right mouse clic, select command line as administrator, type:
powercfg.exe /H off
and press enter
type exit and restart your computer
You must can initialize with Endless OS

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For what it’s worth, we deliberately do not disable hibernation, but we do disable fast boot (which is actually a form of hibernation) so that clicking “Shut Down” in Windows really does turn off your computer rather than hibernating it – in theory!

If disabling hibernation really does fix this problem for you, that’d be interesting to hear.

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