Just two questions

just two questions

when the computers will have an italian version?

the endlessOS is android-based or linux-based?


Abbiamo bisogno del vostro aiuto per tradurre OS senza fine! Se siete interessati a Endless tradotto in una lingua che parli, vorremmo a far parte della nostra comunità di traduzione. Attualmente, abbiamo traduttori in rumeno, marathi, hindi, indonesiano e del Bangladesh - Aggiungi la lingua alla lista!
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  1. As Leandro says, you could help us translate the OS into Italian. The other half of this question is about Italian content, such as having an Italian encyclopedia. (All the different language versions of Endless OS could in theory be used in any language, but the offline content will only be available in the original language.) As far as I know there is no plan for Italian content at the moment.
  2. Endless OS is not Android-based, it’s derived from Debian and Ubuntu (but with many changes).