Error when chainloading Windows on EFI

hi a friend of mine installed and got error message
boot image 0xb363000 and system will not boot any thing
help pls

Hi, thanks for reporting this and providing the photo. It’s a little hard to read the error number in the penultimate line because the photo is so small: is it error: 15? Can you tell us the exact manufacturer and model of your friend’s computer?

We think this is caused by a firmware bug, and we have some ideas for how to work around it in future versions of Endless OS. Your friend should be able to get into Windows by following these steps:

  • Turn off the computer
  • Turn it on, and press the relevant key to enter the firmware setup menu. It’s normally F2, F12, Del, or sometimes a little button beside the power button. Unfortunately it varies depending on the type of computer so I can’t tell you exactly what the key is
  • Find the “Boot Menu” or “Boot Order” setting (again, this depends on the model of the computer)
  • There should be an entry called “Windows Boot Manager” – selecting that should allow Windows to be booted